Century Club

This is your opportunity to support the historic Florence Pioneer Museum and Research Center. With your donation of $100.00 you can become a member of the 2025 Century Club.

The Museum is entirely funded by donations, grants, and fundraisers.

All donations, in-kind services or artifacts donated to the museum are tax deductible.

Contact us to contribute or press the “Learn More” button to get an application.

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Our Goals

  • 1

    To continue funding for the preservation of the historic newspaper collection.

  • 2

    To continue to adding new signage for displays.

  • 3

    To re-arrange displays in a historical time line of Florence.

  • 4

    To upgrade displays.

  • 5

    To repair many infrastructure needs of the museum building.

  • 6

    To continue to fund The Eastern Fremont County Historical Club for local 3rd-5th graders.